A new Rotary Year is upon us!
What will this year bring?
2023-07-19 Important Information
Since the Zoom meeting on July 19 was mostly focused on the 4th of July, here are other important tidbits. Many of these were sent out in email, so search for the committee chairperson to find more information in your inbox.
  • The Cookbook Committee worked hard on the cookbooks, but the work is not over! Now we as a club need to sell them! Please publicize them on your social media and share our Facebook post that has the businesses listed that are selling them for us. Members also need to sell, sell, sell! Purchase one for yourself and some as gifts, but they can be sold to those not even in the Valley. Reach out to Michele with questions.
  • Rotary will have a table at the first, First Friday event in August! More information will be coming if you'd like to man the table. Email will be from Michele.
  • Camelot Park is looking for volunteers. This is not an official Rotary event, but another opportunity to help the community. Refer to Michele's email for contact information for this environmental opportunity.
  • Community Day:  Watch for an email with details and sign-ups but in the meantime, mark your calendars for Sat.,  Sept. 9, 10 am - 3 pm. Email will come from Michele.
  • Back to School supplies collection:  Bring donations to next meeting or drop off to Michele's porch.  Email already sent with details. 
  • Minutes from 4th of July recap were emailed. Refer to Sarah's email for link.
  • Check the calendar for upcoming events. Remember our regular meetings are the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. They will be added as we get topics/speakers for registration.
Upcoming Events
Regular Rotary Meeting
Aug 02, 2023
Annual Joint Happy Hour with UPV Chamber
Simple Days
Aug 16, 2023
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Rotary Fun Fellowship Night at the IronPigs
Coca Cola Park
Aug 30, 2023 6:30 PM
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7